Wednesday, July 20, 2011

There's a game im thinking of but cant remember the name!?

the game had figurines with matching cards, certain figurines were on "teams". one of the teams were skeletons. the board was made of hexagons arranged into ground pieces. if anyone can remember the name tell me

What movie had a girl who could talk to inanimate animal decorations?

I saw it when I was a little girl. All I remember is that there was a girl waking up in her bedroom. The carried on conversations with the animal figurines in her room and, I think, anything else that had a face. I've been thinking about this for the longest time and it's bugging me a little extra today :] I'd appreciate any ideas.

How much would a decent acoustic/electric guitar cost?

I saw an Ibanez AW300ECE for $460 AU and im wondering if its a good buy, sound and quality wise. If anyone has one i would appreciate some feedback. Thanks

I'm frightened of Belgian chocolates...?

I'm also frightened of pot pourri, James Dean posters, 26" screens, remote control, endowment plans, figurines and evenings in the Brincliffe Oaks searching for a conversation. What's wrong with me?

I have found swarms of thousands of dead sand ants in front of my stoop for the past 5 days, what is going on?

They are all squirming and almost dying and everyday i sweep them up only to find another swarm of sand ants dying on my stoop the next morning. there are no ants crawling around during the day but the next morning, they are thousands of these dead ants on the verge of dying on my stoop. its been 5 consecutive days of this now and terminix came today but counldnt even tell me why this is happening. Anyone know why this is happening? HELP?

Christians: i am trying to figure out what is the wisest decision? 10 Pts best answer?

I am 18. My ex is 20. We have been friends for 3 yrs, and started dating April '10. In our relationship we decided to help eachother become closer to God, and not really focusing on the other things like a normal teenage relationship. We had a good relationship, put God in the center. He went to vacation for a month. When he came back.. It's like we both went crazy from not seeing eachother. We went too far one night.. Not "all the way".. But too far for inexperienced, God fearing people. Then we just sorta started drifting from eachother after that. We didn't hang out much after that, yet we still talked, because of our fear of sinning again. He went to college, and we broke it off. He still wrote me on fb, constantly trying to message me and things. I thought he still liked me, yet when I ask him on his thoughts for a relationship, he said he wants to wait on God, though he would love to be in one with me. Im so confused. I stopped writing him on fb, and he still writes me. What's the deal? Can I get some advice on what I should do? Is it best for us to let eachother go? I don't even know what to ask on here, I just need some input or insight on this situation. Please help!!! D:

Would you let your spouse go to a gym by themselves when they have a history of cheating?

My wife wants to join a gym and demands that she goes by herself. That would be all good and fine except for the fact she has a history of cheating in our relationship and demands that she goes by herself. I'm all for self improvement and her having her freedom but when she demands to go by herself then I start wondering. We don't have anything that we really do together hobby wise and I thought she might even just ask if I wanted to join her, but no. I know if I came up with this idea she would be asking a million questions even though I've never cheated on anyone. What do you think?

I'm scared I might be pregnant?

I had protected sex for the first time a week back, using just a condom. He came inside me (with the condom on) I'm worried I might be pregnant, how can I know for sure and if i am how can I abort it by my self? If anyone knows about this, I will be in immense trouble. i am very scared and stressed and am on the verge of perhaps hurting myself.

Is this a good mothers day gift?

Ok so a couple months ago. Me and my mom went to a store called the cherry brand. It's actually closing in June, which made her sad cause she liked shopping there. But while there she saw a figurine of a mother reading to her daughter on a swing. It was quite beautiful and it said mother on it. She seemed to like it alot. So would that be a good mothers dag gift?

I need help with convincing mom to let me have a ferret?

my dad is all for it but my mom... well, she says no. i did my research and i know what i need to get and to do for the ferret. i made a video for my mom so i can show her how cute they are i have not shown her yet so i also have a fact sheet to back up the video i am trying to show im more responsible by cleaning my room without her asking and doing what she wants me to do the first time she tells me to (which is big for me cuz i hardly do the stuff im doing now!) i have mentioned i want one without trying to be annoying. what else could i do that will help my chances? i know what i need to do for a ferret play wise and heath and care wise im going to do more research just to make sure. so any help?

Can idols really be abstract concepts?

In the Old Testament one of the 10 Commandments says you must not make and worship idols or graven images. Nowadays I hear preachers say that wealth, consumerism and even body image (e.g. through cosmetic surgery) are the modern idols. I thought the old testament was referring to small ceramic figurines which perhaps women carried as a talisman or to ward off misfortune.I don't recall the prophets railing against the King of Israel for being rich or accumulating possessions. Wealth and disposable income for the masses is very new, so I doubt the bible was written with that in mind. I can't imagine anyone worshiping a coin or piece of gold, perhaps they are obsessed about it which may well be another problem but I am sure this is not what the bible is getting at. I am sure people can be obsessed about cleanliness or hoarding so would these be a false idols as well? Is this one of the 10 commandments therefore saying do not indulge in Obsessive Compulsive behavior?

A website for literature help?

Im 12 and i've recently been told by my english teacher that my stories are at a level 7b on the verge of a 7c. Im in year 7 at high school so this is quite impressive. The stories i've wrote didn't take much effort, i actually found it very easy to create them. Is there a site for children my age that will push me to a level 8? I dont want something babyish or to complicated. Thanks

Stolen horse, what to do?

You created this problem by taking it into your own hands rather than contacting the proper legal authorities. While I do agree the horse likely needed help committing a crime to do so is not the answer. You do need to get in contact with the proper authorities about this problem. There isn't much else to do. Next time don't steal a horse.

My cat died a week ago, now what?

he was only 2, and he was my baby :'( July 4, 2008- April 15, 2011. my grandma and mom tell me i should keep myself busy and get outside of the house more. but it's hard to NOT think of him, because it feels like i lost a child. i've been so irritable and i don't know what to do now. we buried him in our flower bed right beneath the st. francis statue and a figurine of a kitten that looks like him. anyway, what should i do now? keep grieving? do something to honor him? get myself busy and accept he's moved on?

Ex-boyfriend's ways is making me feel so unworthy about my next study path.. Like I'm not good enough?

You shouldn't be with anyone who laughs at you and makes you feel bad about yourself. Get some self respect and dump him, already.

How can I make money by selling crafts?

I like to make cards, duct tape wallets and bracelets, figurines, and a variety of bracelets. I want to sell them, but I don't know how to get started. I find it awkward to ask neighbors if they would like to buy my crafts because they've bought so much from me when I previously fundraised. How should I approach this issue?

How to not be taken advantage of by the girl you like?

ok first im gonna start it off by saying that me and my girl are a couple. We are exclusive to each other and we are on the verge of being official. Her sister and her bestfriends have all told me that she likes me alot. okay with that being said, im pretty new to this dating thing and i want to know how to avoid being taking advantage of. I really like her and so i would do alot of cute things for her and buy her things. But she hasnt really done the same for me, like she would never surprise me with anything or go out of the way to make me feel special. i think i spoiled her too much, to the point where she unknowingly is taking advantage of what i do for her and doesnt have the need to try to keep me happy. so how can i approach it where i can hint to her to want to do stuff for me without me asking her directly. i dont want to have to tell her to do those little things for me, i want her to want to do it

Where do these gents get their insight, wisdom, and knowledge?

Most likely from experiencing their life and from good advice they've received from their parents, friends, teachers, or anyone else who has been in a committed relationship and worked through all of their problems without taking the easy way out by divorce.

Can I find pokemon in Bali?

You could check at Kidz Station store at Centro Mall or Mall Bali Galleria Mall, i'm not sure but maybe they have, good luck ^_^

I want to lose weight quickly!!!!?

Eat less, drink more water and walk everywhere. The only method of burning your thigh fat quickly is running/jogging.

To people who believe in guardian angels and god?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a God’s good angels (Use IE, BING, MSN for best results)

Help! Major issue, I signed a release for a comercial! Need help?!?

Is there a way I can get out of a release I did for a comercial displayed on the web? I am not happy with it and feel extra stupid for doing it, and am thinking of getting out of it if possible. It was involving another person too. I'm so depressed over it. I also don't have a copy of the stupid release form! What do I do? Also if no, what might you suggest I say word 4 word for him to agree to pull the video and or reach some agreement. (Not $ wise) Just agreement. Thank you for all your help!

The Doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong with me!!?

Your doctor didn't figure out what was wrong because you didn't follow through as you were supposed to. And what makes you think that your condition is past tense "...what it could have been??" Increase your fiber intake, drink a lot more water every day, add a robust, high quality probiotic to your intake and, yes, arrange dates and times with the specialist.

Realistically what are the chances of my rapist being sentenced..?

Pretty close to zero. You said in a statement that you didn't see the person. You lied. A borderline good lawyer will chew you up on the stand.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I have an hourglass figure what am i supposed to wear?

I would say for you to wear clothes that show how shapely you are, but you are only 14. I am sure that you have a completely different taste to others so all I can suggest is that you go out shopping and experiment with different clothes- this may help you find the right fashion types that suit you. I don't know which shops you prefer- have you tried Matalan, Next, TK Max, or some other high-street shops? They have them here in London but I don't know about anywhere else in England.

Freshwater Fishtank question?

your bala should have friends because they are tetras and tetras school. ur catfish should be fine do not get another beta unless u want to to breed them and also get some other schooling fish if u are upgrading. if your going for looks the guppy is very colourful and the mickie mouse platy is fun to look at too

I am suspicious my fiance is cheating...text messages?

I believe that my fiance is cheating on me. She texts one person all the time and is on the verge of breaking up with me. If i could be definite, i would check her texts, but she has that phone on her 24/7. And when she is done texting i see her delete them. The phone is under my name (Tmobile) and i can see the numbers she is texting, but not the message. Is there any way i can get a print out or a way to visibly see the texts not through the phone? Is that even possible?

Should i talk to him? help please(:?

ok so there is this really cute 8th grader and im in 7th grade, he has a younger brother in 7th grade. i have never talked to him before and i barley know him and im starting to like him.his brothers locker is right next to mine and i talked to his brother a lot. the other day i was caring around a little care bear figurine because im random like that(: at the end of the day i had it in my hand and the cute guys younger brother was talking to me because his locker is next to mine. he had told me that his brother broke his thumb i felt bad for him so i gave him the care bear thing to give to him(: he did and his brother doesnt really know me so he thought it was weird but i dont really care because i am weird anyways i really want to talk to him on facebook or in person but dont know what i should say or if i should even talk to him in the first place(: please help thank yaa oh and also i think he is kinda of out of my league but i think i want to take a risk.

Gyarados or venusaur figurine?

I'm given the choice to get one or the other off amazon. Which one should I get? They're collectable figurines.

If Your Girlfriend Doesnt Buy You Stuff, She Doesnt Love You Enough?

thats just not how she shows affection- maybe you could drop a hint or two but frasnkly the idea that If Your Girlfriend Doesnt Buy You Stuff, She Doesnt Love You Enough just seems stupidly shallow you should just spend time together also does the other guy ALWAYS pay for the dates? does your girlfriend sometimes pay her half of the bill? that`s also a factor

How to put figurines in a king cake?

im making a regular vanilla cake for my french class and wanted to add cultural flair by adding a figurine. like a cheap lazy king cake. but im not sure whether to put the figurine in before or after i cook it.

How do I find woman figurine molds?

I see very nice looking lady figurines in stores and I'm trying to find out what kind of molds they are using to make them and where online I can I find molds to make my own sexy woman figurines please help me I have tryed every search I can think of but have come up with nothing

IF Willis McGahee never injured his knee in his final college game, do you think he would still be a starter?

Yeah as a ravens fan I kind of feel sorry for the dude, but he's tough as nails and has made the most of what he had.

Narcotics Anonymous meetings for non-addicts.?

I'm taking my friend to her first meeting tonight. She's embarrassed and on the verge of backing out every twenty minutes. At first I told her I'd drive her and wait in the parking lot until the meeting was over but she now wants me to go in with her. Is it against some unwritten rule to do this, or are friends and family of addicts welcome to attend too?

I am filing for annulment and need help putting my reason into words?

Looks like you lay out your case pretty well in your question. If you put that down on paper and present it to the court you may be successful. I believer "fraud" as an inducement to marriage is grounds for annulment. You can' of course get a divorce.

Help with Just Dance 2 please!?

In just dance 2, there is a just sweat mode.. I was wondering, in the sweat mode, when it says how much sweat you have what does it mean calories/fat burned wise. Help please!!!!

What is the name of this series?

I can't remember the name of this series, and I'd like to read it again. It is a fantasy type series, with 4 or 5 books. It is sort of like time travel, with characters going to another world that is much like Italy in the 1500s. The first character uses a notebook, the second a figurine of a winged horse. The first character's name is something like Lucan, or Lucien. The second's is Georgia, and that's all I really remember right now.

What should i bring on a 10 day vacation?

im going to the cape for 10 days. I'm 13 and i always pack too much...what should i wise...we r spending like all our time on the beach...plz help! thanks :D

My boyfriend feelings being blocked?

..Hi Sarah, I believe you have a couple of issues taking place within your self..The first of course, is trust, the second is your illnesses..Are you taking any medication for your depression? If not then I would consider it, although there may also be minor side effects like a lowered libido, nausea, and tiredness which do pass in time..Your trust issue I believe is the most important issue here and probably does go back to your mom & dad, in that your moms trust was violated, something in this case which is difficult to get back in ones self, although not impossible..I believe you may have taken on the pain/hurt and especially the mistrust that your mom carries or carried in this situation..Many children will do this until they finally realize these parental issues are absolutely not about their children although they are affected in some cases by such behaviours..As I am sure you may already know, trust is about our self and not the other person, no matter what they may or may not do or say..It is up to each one of us to find this trust within our self and really, there is nothing more we can do because if we cannot trust our self and our choices, we will never trust anyone else..If for whatever reason we get hurt by another then it is our personal choice to work through this pain/hurt and to once again trust our instincts and our choices in people and especially in relationships, and whom we allow in our lives..Sarah, you will be your self when you finally say, enough is enough, so instead of just dipping your toe in the water, make the choice to jump in, and go for it, no matter what happens..I also used to analyze a great deal in my younger days and because of it, I missed out on many things and some very good relationships, but it was all a learning experience, as life and living always is...We can never know for certain if any relationship will work out or not, so we absolutely have to live one day at a time, to the best of our ability and enjoy what we have today...What ever happens will happen, but we must trust we made the best choices possible for our self at any given time, and humans are very, very resilient and we do bounce back from injury, hurt/pain and some pretty terrible atrocities..Life is very precious, so make the best of what you have within it today and always keep your hope and faith close to your heart..Believe in your self!..Don't doubt your self, believe that you can and will make the possible choices/decisions that you can each and every day, and accept any consequences or repercussions that may or may not come, just as much as we accept all the good stuff that comes too...If you feel you are having blocked feelings Sarah, then this is exactly what is happening, and only you can make the choice to say, "No more"...This is your life, not your dads and not your moms..You are you, you are not your parents, and your choices can and should be based on the person you are today, and the experiences you have had within your own life, not the mistakes or shortcomings of someone else...Trust & believe in your self Sarah..Do take care, it sounds like you have something very special and remember that sex certainly isn't now nor should it be, everything in a relationship..Fill up this space with something else, something creative for awhile and allow this part of you to occur naturally, and it will I assure you..You are not alone..

What are the future prospects in the field of ARCHITECTURE..?

Since my childhood I had wished for a creative future and had dreamed of Being a successful architect but as i am on the verge of taking the final step towards my future which would decide my career i am a little bit confused. I want help in knowing about the placements and future in architecture... I would be really thankful to Someone who guides me... :)

Why on my period the first day or two I feel so faint and pale and horrible?

omg that almost exact thing happened to me today! i thought a shower would help but it made it worse!!! the only thing that helps me is laying down!!! i feel so bad for you because i really do know how you feel its like the worse thing ever and theres like nothing you can do but cry in pain!! well good luck :) and if you do find a better solution please let me know or i will let you know if i find one:)!!


well first of all please don't judge me. im a 14 year old girl and I love Janis Joplin( not in a gay way) but my love for her is for more like best friend or maybe like a soul sister( I think more like best friend) I love her personality and I can relate to her in so many ways its sooo weired. I was watching her biography on the biography channel and when people were talking about her I could totally understand her and relate to her, I have the same attitude as her (in a way). I do kinda feel like she could be my soul sister it kinda creeps me out lol. and in a part of the biography someone who knew her talked about how her mother thoughT she was a complete idiot at her high school Reunion in this video a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a which I think she was hiding something in this video she looked like she was on the verge of tears I think she was bullied people would spit on her and call her names.( which i rad in a book which her sister wrote) and could have possibly been bullied worse than that.and the NEXT PART IS WHEN I CRIED the person who knew her said that Janis told her about her mother confronting her after the Reunion and told Janis that she wished Janis was never born. and at that moment I about balled my eyes out. my mother said pretty cruel stuff to me too like I hate you, and I would tell her back when I was depressed Im gonna kill myself and she would always tell me go ahead. and would always threaten to leave me when i was little. or her most famous remark was i"m going downtown and taking you to social services and im going to give you away"( and did i mention my dad walked out when i was a baby) so why do i love janis soo much and why do i really feel for her?

Are Happyland toys toxic?

We were given the Quadbike and Lorry toy which includes two figurines. The figurines appear to be made of a PVC type plastic but I'm not 100% sure. They are very similar looking to the Fisherprice "Little People" characters which I know are toxic.

Where can I buy naruto war gaming figurines?

I play hordes of the things (similar to war hammer) and I wanted to know if there was anywhere online that sold war gaming figures for Naruto/ Naruto: Shippuden I'd prefer it if the where plain lead Models that you could paint by hand but if they're already painted that's ok. I don't know why I just have this urge to put a naruto army together please help.

Why do girls come up a measure themselves next to me? I'm not even that hot?

Im 6’3” and all these girls in my class seem to be making this big deal about how tall I am, even my teacher lol. They’ll like skip over to me all giggly like “let me compare myself to him” usually they are always around the shoulder mark (people just need to grow lol), and they all ask me for piggy backs and to carry them lol. Im not insecure about my height at all, I actually love being tall, but the whole “wow your tall” “your nice and tall” and all everything to do with tall gets a little annoying, I see it as a compliment and enjoy the attention but you know when a pretty girl gets told how beautiful they are 24/7 it does get annoying after a while even though it’s a compliment you know, same thing as that. So what do you think there deal is? One time they were all like grabbing up my arms while we were walking trying to link arms with me lol, another girl literally grabbed my arm put it around her and held it there will we was walking lol (odd). I know it’s bad to say but I honestly don’t think im that special looks wise, I think I can pass for cute but no-ones going to say im H.O.T or smoking or anything which is why all this attention is a little I dunno odd lol, I mean if I was up myself and fought “dang im hot” I’d consider it as “normal” I guess but I don’t lol. Why do you think they all do this, like every girl in my class Im 17 btw.

Why is this girl still wearing a shirt?

someone should invent a new keyboard face because 0_0 doesn't describe every situation. but anyways, 0_0

Is it true that Periods effect your boobs?

Is it true that Periods can effect girls boobs? Like them being more puffy? More Pointy? Hurt more? Anything look wise?

"Is it wrong to have angel figurines?"?

i dont think it is, at my last job, i worked in a resort and i was working at the other place and there was a family reunion going on in the dining rm and i was working it, everyone was too busy to notice but i noticed a 3 yr old girl open the door and walk out, there were cars outside, since i didnt see noone following her i followed her and made sure she got back in, later i got a card from my manager and an angel statue too, i still have it somewhere in one of my boxes but i dont work there anymore, i switched to their other center later

Help, I feel horrible.?

A lot of rich, famous and powerful people who "made it" didn't get straight A's in school so I wouldn't worry too much. Several of them flat out failed. Furthermore, George Washington hisself retreated 99% of the time during the Revolution.

I'm I being paranoid?

My boyfriend is amazing,and sweet and caring theres only one problem his always ditching me for his friends.Okay so when me and my boyfriend are on the phone and his friends come over he will always leave me to go hang out with them,and it hurts me -alot- i'm also very jealous of his girl friends do you guys think it's right for my boyfriend to sleep over his friends house when theres a girl there because i don't think its right please help me because i can't take it anymore and i'm on the verge of breaking up with this guy

Where can I buy a cheap airbrush kit to see if I like airbrushing?

Oh and also the paints? I want to see if I would like using an airbrush for painting figurines. (Games Workshop, if that matters) If, I like it or if anybody reccommends it, I will buy an expensive, fine detail airbrush. But for now, I just want a cheap kit and paint until I learn how it works and if it's for me. I think I have a compressor somewhere in my garage. It's one of those big ones my dad uses. Will that work. I can deal with the noise.

What kinds of things would you find in a gas station?

I'm trying to put together a scavenger hunt for a road trip with things that can be found in a gas station. I need some easier ones, stuff like giant Slim Jims, but some harder ones, too, as long as you've seen them in a gas station before. So what's the craziest, most random thing you've seen in a gas station? For me it would be crystal dragon figurines so that's definitely going on the list! What are some other ideas? They'd be much appreciated! Thanks!

Who here owns a SUV? suv, gas prices question.?

hello everyone. im on the verge of buying a 2004 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER. however im being devised not to because of high gas prices. im getting a great price for the suv but its fuel economy is 14 city/19 hwy mpg. who here gas an suv and how much money do you spend a week on gas? ill be driving the car every other day approximately 4 miles. thanks for the help guys

How to help her convince her?

I understand what your saying, but if she asked for time let her have it otherwise getting involved will push her further away from you, next time you see her kiss her and she will feel it. And know her answer.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do cops not like to arrest junkies?

Cops can't arrest someone without witnessing them take, sell, or buy illegal drugs. There's no way to prove that needle marks on someone are from illegal drugs and not legitimate medical treatments by looking at them.

How Can I get child support that is owed from my deceased ex?

You must file a claim against his Estate while it is in Probate. It is NOT the job of Child Support Enforcement at this point. You must get your own attorney to do this. You can get your own copy of his death certificate by contacting the Circuit Court where he died. They may direct you to the Vital Statistics Office, or they may have it on file. It's easy to do. Your attorney can get it.

Male Dragonborn Rouge figurine for D&D?

My character has a crossbow, short sword, shuriken, and dagger currently. I would like a figurine for him. My current figurine is a samurai from some random game that happens to be the same size. Where would I find such a figurine. (Character is tall and skinny.) I know that a female version exists, and I would be fine with that if it isn't TOO obviously female. But, I would still need to know where to find it. Thanks for any answers. (No, local game shop does not. Live in northern Chicago, though, so if you know a place...)

How do I know if I need my wisdom teeth out?

My guess is the pain and every other possible symptoms. Also, going to a Dentist for a checkup of possible problems is good because he/she will know the answer the best.

Why do our politicians spend so much time blaming the other political party and not actually trying to...?

work with the other political party and actually fix the problems in this country? Here we are, with trillions of dollars in debt, a currency that is on the verge of collapsing, and dropping standards of living, and the only thing that any politician seems to care about is that the other party looks bad.

I use my earwax to make wax figurines .IS THIS WEIRD?

To each their own, but I personally find that really bizarre. I probably wouldn't go around telling people I do that.

How do uk kid sizes work?

i mean what would say a girls 11 year old top be size wise? a uk 4/6 ? how does it work in kids sizes?

Am I a lesbian if i like feminine men (ie some kpop boys) and yaoi?

if you're attracted to only guys you're straight if you're attracted to both you're bi it's that simple.

To kill a mockingbird movie help!?

They all represent the treasured collected and placed in the knot hole outside the finch's house by boo, he thought the kids would like them, so he put them in the tree...for Jem and Scout

Confused about a girl I like ?

So she asked who my 5 favorite actresses ever are (pretty wise). I said 2 blondes and 2 brunettes then she noticed that. Because she is a blonde I just said her to be playful. I was having a horrible day and she knew it bc death in fam :(. She suggested hinted at going to do something which made me feel better which is unusual (shes shy). She also told me a secret, that she had nipple piercings. She has said in the past is shy sexually??? Please help

What major should i choose? Almost time to choose classes?

Originally i had chosen biology with concentration in pre-med. I really want to be with children. But i am kind of on the verge with a business major and my dad wants me to choose business but i know i need to follow what i want to do but im so indecisive, Being a doctor wit children, will give me more job opportunities. I don't know what to do! what should i choose? And i like money=D lol.

I think I'm an Indigo Child?

you sound like a normal child to me. just with better intuition. although you might have some sort of psychic power that isn't fully developed yet, but who knows. you would have to talk to a psychic about that.

What's the most trying game your toddler likes to play?

Well I still find it cute but my I got my 15 month old son a little wooden ramp toy with little cars. He knows how to put the cars on the ramp and make them go down himself but what fun is that? It's much more fun to pick up the cars, hand them to dad, and watch dad put the car on the ramp. Over and over and over ..

Sex Appel or personality ?

Do women love how you look physically or how you act personality wise... Do the care for muscles or emotional being... Do the love compassion or living on the edge???

Dell XPS 15 L502x vs HP ENVY 14 Beats?

They are both the latest 2nd gen Sandy Bridge. I know that the HP ENVY has a better form factor and is obviously portable. But I am afraid that performance wise, the Dell would obviously beat the HP Envy. Any opinions on which I should get?

I want to stop lying befor i loose all the people i care about?

Lyin can be controlled unless u need mental help! How do i kno ur not lyin bout this question u dick! If u can tell truth on here do it normally i scruff

Where can I buy gay couple figurines?

My best friends are getting married (men). I really wanted to get them something like the "Willow Tree Figurines", but I'm having a hard time finding it in "gay" form that isn't provocative (penises hanging all over, the men making out, etc). They're "reserved" in the sense where their house is pretty basic and not shouting "gay pride" everywhere. Help?!?

Gift idea for stepmom.?

She LOVES the color combo: brown and blue. She cooks and bakes but doesn't need any tools in that department, she has a whole closet full! She is fairly sentimental, she loves to garden, and has a lot of garden statues and figurines and stuff like that. She also likes to golf but is all ready set in the whole golf area. I have no idea what to get her, and it's actually really last minute. Oh and she doesn't like perfumes, they bother her nose, and she doesn't care for jewelry or nail polish. Oh and she is fairly conservative.

How do you deal with a manager that straight up doesn't like you?

Your street smarts are intact. There is nothing to be gained by telling on him. It will be easier to get rid of you than to deal with the stink he will make about it. Unless you really like being under this kind of stress I suggest you look for a different job. Seems there is one of these in every company but you may not be the target in the next one.

Why do gays like embroidery and porcelain figurines?

a lot of gays have great taste, but some gays like the same things as old ladies, like watching the golden girls. why is that

I found FISH WIRE in my alphageti...?

Yea i love alphageti and i open a can tonight, put it in a boul, microwave and take a bite. I thought i was a hair... but upon looking at it,,, its FISH WIRE. yea gross\! I know it hasnt come from me... i dont even have fish wire in my house... Its gross and totally turned me off... i wish to write them! Who do i write to... email wise.. i live in canada btw and it was heinz alphageti.

Why cant i feel beautiful? i hate this.?

I know how you feel. People tell me I'm cute and pretty but I don't believe them. And all of those girls are probably jealous of you. And people who don't make fun of you will think those girls are just flat out mean, because they are. They have nothing better to do but waste their time trying to bring somebody down. It's pathetic. Just keep your head up because if you act positive and feel confident people will respect you, even if they act like they hate you. Everyone is different and unique and that is what makes them beautiful. I'm 100% positive that there are TONS of boys who think you are GORGEOUS because you are! They will love you for being unique. Don't do what all the other girls are doing. Just do what makes you feel confident! I know it's hard to feel pretty when people tell you that you aren't but you have to believe it. I know you'll pull through! :) Just keep your head up!

I want to move my horse to a new yard, but I'm a bit nervous because...?

... about 2 years ago a horse was stolen from there and never found. I'm kinda scared it might happen to my mare (shes worth about $3000, which isn't very much compared to the fact that some of the best dressage ponies in the country are stabled there) but I'm still worried. Do you think moving to this barn would be wise? (If not for that detaile I'd get my horse there right now, its superior to my current yard in thousands of ways, plus some of my best friends board there.)

Opinions on pregnancy..?

Definitely sounds like it to me. Research your symptoms I guarantee a lot of them will lean towards pregnancy... but either way I guess you will find out tomorrow. Since your boyfriend pulls out I take it your not trying to have kids... so I wish you luck, you should let us know what the test shows.

Why do people buy Precious Moments figurines?

I never liked those Precious Moments things. The poems are always these crappy Emily Dickinson ripoffs. They practically recycle the same poem and characters over and over. Plus, those upside-down teardrop eyes creep me the **** out!

Gift ideas for a fireman?

My nephew graduates from the fire academy tonight. Besides a gift of money, which I'm already giving him, I'd like to get him something special. He is just graduating and doesn't have a job yet, but I'd like to give him something he can use... no figurines or anything like that. Any ideas?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is it illegal to post someone's full name on Facebook without their permission?

i don't see why the police got involved in the first place. that seems unreasonable; i've never heard that using someone's full name on fb is illegal ever.

Should i cut him out of my life?

Well, from a guy's perspective, it sounds like he wants the benefits of a relationship without the effort that relationships need. If he's not willing to put the effort into it, I'm sure you can find someone who will. get rid of painful as that may be, at least he won't stop you from landing someone who will actually want to be with you.

I am trying to figure out what these ceramic girl figurines are and the only markings say made in japan?

They all appear to have some kind of planter incorporated on them they have wide brimmed hats and thick eyelashes they are kind of tinted in soft pastel colors , I will try to upload a picture if it will let me. Any ideas please my research has led me no where!!

Trying to remember a book when I was a kid. Dragons, Kid named Brian (?) uses potato slices as weapons...?

It was a book for probably 10-12 yr olds. I think the main character was a kid named Brian but I could be wrong. There were dragons attacking the world and he entered their world to save it. I remember he whittled a dog figurine, lost it, then a dog just like his figure showed up. He used a special knife to do the whittling, and used it to slice potatoes that hardened into stone and were weapons toward the dragons. Anyone know who the author is? What is the title?

What do you think of those swarovski red crystal hearts?

I can answer #3...they sell jewelry also. My mother and I shopped at one of their stores and she bought a piece of jewelry.

Is it normal to hear music when I fall asleep?

When i fall asleep, on the verge of consciousness, i will hear Music, And not faint music, sometimes like a full Orchestra or song. I am a very musical person, i played piano for over 10 years, and know how to play a handful of instruments. I was just wondering if this was a normal thing to happen when falling asleep?

I hate my sign, I hate being a Virgo?

I swear i used to love being a Virgo. But lately i have been exposed to all these nit picking, OCD, anal retentive, bossy, perfectionist control freak, on the verge of harassing, a55h*le slash b!7ch, rude, impossible to get along with Virgos and now I see what everyone is talking about. i sure hope i am not like that. I have NEVER seen myself like that. But there is this manager at a store i go to and he was following me around staring like a crazy stalker acting like I was going to shop lift a magazine, and I always see him harassing his employees. Not to mention this rude user on here. Then I read in a magazine and they always describe Virgos as these cleaning OCD, boring, serious, ect........ If that is all we are then count me out. I am a Libra now.

I believe there is a dark demonic force in my house?

you haven't been totally honest with us there is something in your past that has a claim on to your priest have him come with prayer cloths one for each door and window saying the prayer.see if this helps.your soul is not clean.

Netgear N600 good router?

Hey we use three laptops and xbox 360 in this house constantly gaming so everynow and then somebody might have a poor connection if eerybody was on...think im going to buy the Netgear N600 you think this is wise?

Finish this sentance: A wise man once said...?

" There are two things that are infinite; the universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the universe ".

POLL: did you cry in you 8TH GRADE GRAD?!?!?

my 8th grade grad is next monday AHHh!!! excited and sad and surprized! im gna miss everyone and no i wont see them next year im moving ='/ yesterday i was on the verge of crying while thinking about it .. so how was your 8th gr grad did u cry !? i heard somepeople had their grad last week :P

Where can I buy a cheap airbrush kit to see if I like airbrushing?

Oh and also the paints? I want to see if I would like using an airbrush for painting figurines. (Games Workshop, if that matters) If, I like it or if anybody reccommends it, I will buy an expensive, fine detail airbrush. But for now, I just want a cheap kit and paint until I learn how it works and if it's for me. I think I have a compressor somewhere in my garage. It's one of those big ones my dad uses. Will that work. I can deal with the noise.

On the verge of leaving my husband?

Me my husbands and his friends were in the car, his friends said they wanted to go 1 hour away to the ferry to take a 2 hour ferry ride to another town to walk around (we did this yesterday) I said no, I'm not feeling well I don't feel like it. He disregarded what I said (I guess it didn't matter) and now I'm stuck on a ferry I don't want or feel like being on. He got an attitude and left me for his friends. What do you think?

I dont want to buy figurines?

I would like to kInow where I can find molds to make my own figurenes woma figurines I l.ile to make figujres of woman can anyone help find these types of molds?

First time selling at flea market! Help, please?

Rather than branching out too much, I would have a focus. Cat and dog stuff may do well. Maybe you could have breed specific items. I know a lot of people have these little designer breeds like, morkies, and yorkie poos and stuff (I image those kinds of tiny dogs are the kind people buy clothes for) and I don't see many items with the little designer breed names on items. Like "I love my yorkie-poo" kind of stuff. If you are just learning, don't make up too much of any one thing until you have a good idea what is selling. Also, could the body wash and shampoo and stuff be marketed for dogs? Maybe find some natural recipies with herbs that are good for dog's skin or something? Then once you get going, branch out to E-bay and other internet sites to sell. Soon you will be identiable as "the dog lady" or whatever and people will come and look for you for dog items. Make up a logo and use that style of lettering/colors everywhere (tags on merchandise, banner over your table, etc, business cards if you choose to use them, maybe even wear a t-shirt in that color with your business name on the back). Like, if you chose pink & black- do up your table with those colors, have a big pink banner with black lettering,wear a pink-T-shirt, pink & black tags (maybe cut in the shape of dogs) on all your merchandise, black on pink labels on your botttles of dog shampoos and lotions. Not that those colors are necessary, just get recognizable style and use it everywhere. Good luck!

How hard is an udergraduate course in dietetics?

I am starting a 4 year BSC in dietetics in september. I was just wondering how anyone who has completed a similar course felt it was difficulty wise.

How to fly for the first time internationally?

I want to learn how to fly internationally by myself next year around May-June(I will just be turning 18 in may).What are the things I need to fly my first time(information wise like ID,etc).

Where can I find someone to make a custom cake topper for a reasonable price?

My fiancee and I are getting married in about a year and half and we want to have a wedding cake topper of me and him standing on top of our cake with The Doctor and the Tardis from the British television series Doctor Who... I can find the Tardis and The Doctor pretty easily but I need figurine things of my future husband and I to match them and be in normal clothes... If anyone could help that would be super amazing.

HELP! :D I need help?

I was wondering if you guys know where to buy Beauty & the Beast Merchandise in New York? Like figurines, models, tea-pot sets, etc.

What were those lollipops called?

They came in small boxes with a globe/atlas as the logo. inside was the red lollipop along with a historical figurine and a collectors card relating to the character. They were sold in Kmarts across Australia, and possibly American in 2002-2003. PLEASE HELP

I have Endometriosis and I don't know what to do.. Please help!!?

You need to get a second opinion. Those are NOT your only 2 options! There are a number of things they can do for endometriosis. They can remove all the visible implants and then try to starve out the remaining implants with Lupron therapy and birth control pills, for example. Go join an endometriosis support group at, and look up more info on the internet.

I don't feel like myself. Could it be because of "love"?

I know exactly how you feel. All I can say is there is at least one other person who feels the way you do, and a lot more I hope. You are never going to find one of them if you don't try. Wait for it, don't try force it, that's more about you than them, and will never work.

What does accepting applications mean job wise?

It means the company is currently seeking new employees and you're welcome to apply. They may have applications they wish for you to fill out, or they may just want a resume and/or cover letter.

What can you make for the person that you are a big fan of?

Find out what females inspire her... if it's Marilyn Monroe, make her a big poster saying Girl you are my Marilyn Monroe. That will get her attention and she will connect with it right away as it is something already special to her. Put some time into the poster so it doesn't look like you made it on the way to the event lol :)

Single mom's, what do you use for protection? (weapon wise)?

I'm a single mom of two kids. I'm 24 and live on my own in a not so great part of town (I'm up at 4 in the morning because someone was creeping around my back yard and the cops just left). While I was on the phone with the dispatcher, he asked me if I had my weapon on. What weapon, I thought? Makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I'm not a fan of guns, as I have children, but are there alternatives? I know they have like stun guns and what not, but I feel like those are also dangerous around children. I just don't want to not be prepared in case something happens, but I don't know what I should do. So, do you single mom's (or dad's or married men and women, lol) use protection?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is it abuse to beat with an item, never a fist?

yes my wife has been a big grumps ever since i lost my job last week, was fired from kaymart for a customer deciding to bring a gun into the store and threaten to rob the drawer, since i gave him the money my boss says he was an accomplice because we are both the same race and he is my step brother. anyways my boss almost called on a bounty hunter to kill me so i have been monitored by the police in case jerry comes to my house with a bag of 80 dollars for us to split up so we can make a run to mexico and all that/ anyways my wife already hit me with a cardboard box until i vomited and then she yelled at me for not having dinner ready and all i know how to make is hotpocket but not in an oven cause i have never used an over, and the microwave dont work ever since i microwaved some batteries that my wife was keeping in the freezor and i thought they should warm up before going into my gameboy to play animal crossing. so heating up dinner was not an option and she was so mad she said "gumbo you sittin around playing zelda for two days straite and that games made for twelve year olds!!!!! and i said no this is animal crossing and she took my gameboy and hit my head so hard that i had a brain leak and couldnt hear the televisoin for a few days, it all sounded like whispers and in portugues or some **** cause i couldnt hear nothing and the gameboy dont work no more, and my neybor also used this lull in my defense to escalate his attack on my house by lighting a fire at the base of my house to try and burn me down, and so i was forvced to go offensive and slash his tires and also fill a bucket up with apple juice and hide in the treetops all night, then when his wife was leaving for work in her nice clothes, dump it on her to make her all sticky and late at work, and also my neybor responded by raiding my house and stealing all my lord of the rings figurines, and torturing them to make a video which he sent anonimously in the mail and it made me howl and cry to see frodo with an m80 tied to his head and then my neybor put him in a blender and fed him to his little chihuaha

Psychic do you cut them with a dead beat dad?

Intention - think that you want to break the link, and the link will be broken, at least in most cases. If the person in question is related to strong emotional issues, like love or great pain etc, emotional healing would be required. For this purpose, you should become interested in affirmations and core images work, or seek a professional spiritual healer.

How do I clean patina?

I have received an antique copper figurine as a birthday present. It is covered with patina. How do I clean it?

Is there such thing as a sibling with no relation to u at all in blood, marriage or God wise?

Yes - as can be the case in adoption. If someone already has a child (adopted or gave birth to) and then adopts another child later on, their two children will be siblings without blood, marriage or according to God

Is my son gay, bi, or a tranny? I found out he likes My Little Pony.?

To me someone is gay if they do someone of the same sex, will do someone of the same sex, or is planning to do someone of the same sex.

What to do when your pool overflows?

There is a massive storm where I live at the moment and my pool is just on the verge of overflowing. What do I do?

So I'm pretty sure my house has ghosts, and they've recently turned mildly violent.?

Yes, it could be ghosts. But keep in mind, there are many different types of spirits. I think maybe you have Telekinesis spirit in your home. That explains why objects are moving around or being broken. What do the voices say? Next time activity happens try to figure out who they are and why there trying to contact you. Maybe even try to talk to them and see if they answer. Ghosts are usually NOT evil. Demons & ghosts are completely different entities. Most times there lost souls who aren't ready to pass on to the afterlife. Don't be scared, spirits shouldn't be feared. Ghost boxes are pretty interesting too. :) Look up information about different types of ghosts online!

Looking for Cloverfield Monster Figure...?

I ordered 2 of these figures/figurine's for a friend outside of the country and now cannot seem to find where I put them. Is anyone selling theirs? The figure looked like this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . At the time they were $150 ea. Thanks

Where can I buy a decent sized, deep, ornate platter dish with a lid for engagement presentation?

If anybody has been reading my previous questions, then you know that I am proposing in about two months; if you haven't, you now know. I am looking for a nice presentation piece while at Disney World that incorporates various items inside (a glass slipper with the ring, small stuffed animals, and a few figurines that fit the theme, etc.). The presentation platter needs to be able to fit items that are under a foot in height (I believe the tallest is 9"). A nice, silver serving platter with a fancy lid - in order to surprise her at Cinderella's Royal Table to make it look like a meal plate - would be ideal; however, I have been looking for these things on the internet and have yet to find one. Any help or suggestions as to where I can buy something like this are appreciated. Thanks a lot.

What are some good websites where I can buy Japanese goods?

I'm interested in finding some good sites where I can find the various things I'm looking for. These things include, but are not limited to: anime, comics, candy, clothing, visual novels, and figurines. Please don't include general shopping sites like Amazon, I'm looking for specialized websites.

What is your opinion about this ?

okay so i started going to a new school iv'e been there for a year now and after this week we will be moving up a year the problem is cause its a private school you have to be very smart and in my old school it was so bad and we didn't learn anything so i had to do a test to get into the private school im in now but i didn't do well but the headteacher liked me and saw something in me so she said that she was going to let me in however she put me down a year i was meant to be in yr 8 not in yr7 so later on in the year i asked her if i could go up a year and she said well its difficult but maybe and the thing is all the yr 8s are going to yr 9 which is the senior school another school and i want to go with them because i will miss them all.the thing is im not very good academically but personalty wise i should go up a year that's what the headteacher said so and i told her that my whole summer holiday i will revise but i have to revise a whole yrs the question is should i go up a yr or should i just stay the yr i am in if i go up a year im happy but if i stay down i do better in school but im not going to be happy emotionally

Guys! If you fancy a woman who doesn't fancy you any more, how long would you..?

I don't know your age. But if you are over 19 then and casual sex is your thing, then tell him to buzz off. And maybe a restraining order is the way you have to go.

What is the procedure to register Event Company Name in India?

Hi, Would appreciate if anyone can guide with step wise procedure to register event company in mumbai, India, I have a name decided but it seems the name is used by a few more event companies in India and my city (as it is a common but apt), is it possible to use the same name?

Can you buy Elephant Parade miniature figurines from any shop in London?

I'm looking to buy one of the small versions of the painted elephants from the charity Elephant Parade in London last year. I know when it was all going on you could buy them from Selfridge's and National Geographic but I haven't been able to find them on the site recently. I have found them on the official website ( but the postage is half the price of the elephant and they can take 8 weeks to be delivered! Ideally I'd like to be able to pop into a shop and just buy one, as this would cut out all the delivery issues. Anyone know if this is possible and if so what shops are likely to have them? Thanks!

My boyfriend is insensitive and it hurts me.?

My boyfriend had been hanging with his friends this evening, and told me he would call me when he was home. He called me, and told me that he had drank. I asked if he was drunk and he said that he was only a little "tipsy". I told him about an assignment I was working on, and I apologized for potentially boring him. He said sarcastically, "Oh, no! I love hearing about all of your stupid things! There's nothing I enjoy more than hearing about all your stupid things! I love hearing all your stupid little things!" We continued to talk for about another mintue, and I concealed my hurt. For some reason, I felt very sensitive, and I was on the verge of tears when we hung up, and I ended up crying! I don't really know why this struck me as so hurtful or why it hurt me so much. What are your thoughts? Am I being too sensitive or was he insensitive? How would you feel?

How long will it take me to lose 7-10 lbs?

Cardio would be done about 3-4 times a week, yeah, that sounds good. I think it would take you about 1-3 weeks? So if you lose 1-2 pounds a week, yeah, it would take about 1-3 weeks to lose 7-10 pounds. GOODLUCK!

Seriously, what is wrong with me?

I'm getting to the point where I'm just straight up getting annoyed with myself. I have been really sad, moody, and irritable for going on 2 years. Whenever I'm happy and one little thing doesn't go right, I go into this deep sadness that I can't really explain. Sometimes I feel like I have anxiety to the point where I'm on a verge of a panic attack. One time I woke up from a nap and had a dream that I had to do a 200 page paper and I woke up almost in tears and had so much anxiety. I'm only 17 and I have had to go through many difficult things in my life. I have finally found a guy that I have very strong feelings for but I feel like what has been going on with me mentally is going to ruin it. PLEASE, someone, what is wrong with me?

I need help please, i need help and guidance because i have nobody else for this now?

I'm really sorry to day this but you need to break this off. For good. Ive been there done that a little differently but this is an unhealthy relationship and it can lead to worse problems for YOU. Let it go honey. Move on. I know its hard but you WILL find someone better. & don't stay with him through guilt! He, too, will find someone else. As for you... YOU CAN DO BETTER. If he dont want nothing to change then it wont. All your doing is punishing yourself and he sounds like an attention wh0r3. DO WHAT MAKES ***YOU*** HEALTHY AND HAPPY! Best of luck sweetie <3

What would this be a good gift for?

Me and my mom saw a beautiful figurine at a store which will be closing. It beautiful it's a mother and daughter reading together on a swing. So my moms birthday is the 11 of may and mothers day is Sunday. Should I give it to her as a mothers day gift or a birthday gift?

Teens: What would you have done?

I woulda reacted terribly, I have a bad temper for those who are direspectful, I woulda been like 'You are an ****. Piss off!' And stormed off or had an argument.

Is there a way to get a Figurine of a certain character custom made for me?

I'm a sculptor and am curious to find out more about your expectations. Do you want this casted in plastic or in the more fragile material of sculpey or epoxy resin. Do you want movable joints or fixed? What size? Please email me a photo of the character if you want to continue with this proposal.

How big will my puppy be?

When you get a mixed breed, there is no way anyone can tell your what size that dog will be at maturity, not even your vet. The genes your dog inherited from both sides come in to play as your dog grows. A large breed dog can continue to grow until 18 months, whereas most smaller breeds stop around a year. It's something you will just have to wait and see.

Please help me, do I break up with him or not?

I have been with him for 4 years I am on pills cause I am a hell moody ***** some times and I snap from being happy as to on the verge of tears, the pills help a lot though. The whole time we have been together he has probably worked a total of four months, I have always supported him, I work full time always has while he stays at home and works on his car, I get home from work and cook dinner and I do the house work. He probably has come to four of my family things and I am very family orientated, he does not have family or any real friends. I could deal with him coming to only a couple family things but my mum just got married and it was so important to me that he came to the wedding ( I was a bridesmaid ), I made sure he knew how much it ment to me and my family. He didn't come. I said to him that because he didn't come now I need him to prove to me that he will sacrifice him self and come to all of my family things cause I do every thing for him and I don't ask for stuff all in returen, since the wedding I asked him to get a job so we can save for a house but he wont cause he has no license for another three years and it's too hard for him to get the bus to work, I asked him to help me around the house so I don't come home from work to a trashed house he did but only for a couple days then that wore off. then last night we got invited to dinner with my mum her new husband and a couple others for a catch up cause they just got back from three week hunnymoon, the dinner wans't a big deal it was all people that he had met before so it would of been easy for him, I told him that this was his last chance he had to come, but when it was time to go he said he was too tired and he wasn't going, so I left for dinner crying. When I got home I was expecting him to be asleep in bed but he wasn't even home. He got home early this morning and fell asleep on the lounge I went and spent all day at my friends thinking that he might call or txt but he didn't. I just got home and he is working on his car. When ever I try to talk to him about us he just shuts down and wont talk, he thinks that I am making a big deal out of nothing about the wedding and every thing. I stayed at a mates house for a few nights and it didn't really bother him. Every one I know thinks I should break up with him friends and family, I know I probably should break up with him and start putting my self first but I love him and I know he loves me too but I don't think that is enough any more. We have two cats a dog and a bird I dont want to loose any of them.

Can depression be made up?

Everyone says Im just looking for a happy pill. My ex complained about me whining and trying to get everyones attention so they can pity me. The lack of others' understanding helps none. My mom says im looking for answers in all the wrong places. pills and significant others. But she doesnt feel my pain. Im on the verge of figuring some part of me out. I have taken every ssri antidepressant. The symptoms are clear. Hopeless. Lost. Out of it. But am I even depressed? Numerous doctors say that I am, so Im not sure who to believe or trust anymore. This damn answers thread is where I run when nobody can help. Am I overdoing it? They say I should do something. Keep me occupied. Too much time on my hands. Which I know isnt good. I dont appreciate anything. I feel like everybody overloads me. Im somewhat saddet now cause my boyfriend left me after me used me. But this seems to always happen. You may judge me. :/ Does anybody understand? Anybody at all? Please.. I cant find any answers. What is wrong with me?

Could i still grow if i stop?

ok I've been smoking for 2 years and yesterday i smoked my last blunt and cigarette but my question is that if i was smoking this long will i still be able to grow and i am talking about height and penis wise also im 15

Friday, July 15, 2011

A glow in the dark dolphin figurine that moves plus ocean sounds?

I remember seeing it on some gift website. You can take it apart and assemble it as a seal or something and at night it lights up when you turn it on and like it moves slowly like a wave plus there are ocean sounds. Can anyone find me the name of it and the website it was on? THANKS!

What would happen to a child if ....?

i just cried. i really dont know baby. but i know tyhat despite who hurt you in the past, God is here for you now. God doesnt give you any encounter He t hinks you can not handle! it ma6y seem like, why is He doing this if he loves me? but did you ever think maybe He is doing this because He loves you and he knows it will shape you into the person your destined to be. you've survived a close call once with that surgery, trust that He saved you for a reason. Forget those kids at your school. those are the main ones who end up looking up at you and the sucess you will achieve!

If I sold figurines from popular video game characters, could I get sued?

My guess is ....that the characters of which you speak are probably the property of Blizzard or whoever...and the use of a likeness would be against the law if done so without their permission. Contact them and ask for permission. If they say no, you are not any worse off than you are now. If they say could make a bundle.

I am on the verge of committing suicide. Please can you help me?

Hello I am a student and I feel like ending my life. Ever since I have failed a very important national exam... My family has been hating me. No it's not like my family is those type of perfect family and I'm the black sheep but I''m... different. I know that you would think that I am thinking wrong but please even family members can learn to hate each other and I speak this from experience. My mom, my Dad, my siblings... they all hate me and I can feel it. It's like they feel much more happier when I'm not around. I have cut myself a multiple times and I have thought long and hard about ending my life plenty of times. Everday is chocking me and when I wake up I think of dying and when I go to bed I pray to The Lord that I would die in my sleep. Lately, I have been doing things that are... not normal, something people would call crazy. I think I'm under depression too and I have long given up on love. I cry everyday now and I am a freak. Please. If someone is out there that is like me... please can you help me? I am lost and tired and I would want this pain to stop. Please I am a mess. If there is only one way except this... it's suiscide. I have tried being a Christian and all that but it never did work. It's too late anyway.

What does cxd1=Q+ mean in chess notation?

I'm responsible for adding in chess figurines to a book (ex: replacing Q with a queen symbol) but I am not sure what cxd1=Q+ means. Is the queen being referred to white or black?

Tv and movie fish names.?

I am going to get a fish and I want to name it after a fish in a TV show or a movie. I don't want to name it Nemo because I am going to name my cat nemo. (Don't worry, I am not going to let my cat eat my fish!) I am already considering naming it Dory, (Finding Nemo) but that seems unoriginal or MacGyver, (Better off Ted) but then I would have to buy a diver figurine because of this quote, "MacGyver and The Diver... they’re gay-married." So, do you know of any good fish names from TV shows or movies?

I feel like things are crawling on me?

That sort of psychosomatic response happens to everyone and is normal. Every time someone says 'headlice', 'fleas' or 'mosquitos' I start itching like crazy. I just did then after typing it.

Please help - family problems?

What your parents do is really none of your business and you shouldn't be involved. In this situation I think it would be wrong to tell your dad about your mom's boyfriend. He is very sick so what purpose would it serve to upset him? Your parents relationship is between the two of them so you really should step back and stay out of it. I think it is a good idea for you to move as soon as you are able to because if your mom actually would say she would kill you shows she is not a great parent and you would be much better off out of there and away from her. Bide your time, finish high school and then leave. In the meantime just try your best to ignore what's going on between your parents and let them do what they choose to do.

I hate my breasts. I'm 18 and my nipples look different from everyone elses?

It's like my breasts have fully developed but my nipples haven't. I hate the way they look and won't even let my boyfriend see them unless their perky other wise the look disgusting. Will they ever change. I'm so embarrassed

How fast could i get ripped given my situation?

I am 5 9 and 120 pounds and have a skinny body I was wondering what was the fastest way to get ripped? What should I do protein and working out wise any weight regements? Quickest easiest and fastest way trying to get ripped and strong but maintain my skinny frame

Im Scared Of Coming Out Of The 'Broom Closet'?

I went through the exact same thing when I was a teenager except I lived with a mom AND grandmother who were both devoted Christians and refused "to let me be led astray" (as though they had any say in the matter). How did I deal with it? Well, I fought with them at first but it didn't do anybody any good. It just made all three of us miserable as could be. Eventually I realized that they were just doing what they thought best for me because they cared. I wouldn't be able to change their minds and they wouldn't change mine. But I was the minor and I was living under their roof so I had to respect their wishes for a time. What I noticed, however, is that the Divine was everywhere I looked. I didn't need an altar in my room...there was one outside near the creek. I didn't need books...they were already written within me. I didn't need a cauldron, candles, and all other manner of spell-casting implements, etc because the magick comes from within. The core beliefs of Christianity (love, peace, etc) are not out of line with the many Pagan paths. So I simply spent my time in Nature and focused within while agreeing with the Church on the Truths they did preach and simply ignoring the untruths. When I was an adult and on my own, I was free to do as I pleased. But I found that all those years of focusing within and not relying on the books, the materials, etc probably took me further on my Way than would have happened otherwise. Stand up for yourself if your mother absolutely crosses the line but otherwise, silently agree to disagree with worked well for me. :)

Is it too late for my dog?

you can try piddle pads. put on down when he goes on it tell him good boy keep moving it closer and closer to the door you wanna take em outside to or you can try and catch him before he pees and scoop him up and make a mad dash for outside when he does go giv him lots of praise.also take him for walks when he goes agan give him lots of praise. when he pees in house tell him in a stern not screaming voice bad or naughty good luck

Does it sound like Im ready to move out yet?

I am 21 years old and i will have graduated this December with my bachelors degree in Psychology. I currently have a parttime job working 25 hours a week that i think I could go fulltime at later on if i wish where I make about $13 or $14 an hour plus bonus. Im planning on going back for my masters degree next year which I will have to take out a loan for plus i already have my credit card bills and phone bills and car insurance to pay for. I really want to move out at the beginning of next year and ill have anywhere between $12000-$15000 by then. Would it be wise for me to go ahead and move out? If i add up all the bills i will have to pay for every month it would be over $1000 and that sounds like a LOT of money. If i stay at home i could save up a lot more money obviously and have everything taken care of like laundry cooking cleaning etc and have no rent or anything to pay. But im ready to get out there in the real world....i just dont want to be struggling or regret the decision later on. I just want some opinions and feedback on the situation please-thanks!

I feel like there's something wrong with me, please help?

Im 13, 5'1, and around 80 pounds. Ive been depressed for about 3-4 years. Ive had a few traumatic experiences. And I feel like im on the verge of an eating disorder. Im very mature for my age. Ive dealt with alot of rejection and am very insecure sometimes. I am very moody and have thought that I was bipolar or had BDP. I often have feelings of nothingness or emptiness. And im not sure what to do.

Is it a good idea to study abroad senior year?

Yes, studying abroad will be expensive with any agency/organisation you go through. If I were you, I would check out AFS Intercultural Programmes. With Japan, you can go there for 8 weeks (I think that's what it is) and learn the Japanese language during the summer. You can go there for an entire year, stay with a host family and attend a Japanese school, or you can go for just a semester. The Prices range from about US$9,000 to about US$15,500. Or at least, I think that's the price range. However, if you think that the prices are WAY too much out of your price range, they offer scholarships to go to these countries. And, I think right now, they're offering 2 scholarships to Japan. But, yes, definitely check out AFS! All you have to do is go to and click on Study Abroad, and click on either Summer Pogrammes, Gap Year, or High School Programmes. Hope I helped!!!

Help with polymer clay (unusual question)?

My mom was watching TV in my room, and she was drinking some light wine. She accidentally tipped it over and some spilled on the figurine I was working with (made from SuperSculpty clay). She didn't tell me until hours later when she left, and its really sticky and I don't know if its ruined or if there is a way to fix this. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

Me n my girlfriend r in relation for 3 yrs....n we have comited for marriege...?

Wow, its hard to believe your really on your last year of English *sarcasm* wow you really need to learn how to spell.

Is it time to drop Grady Sizemore?

I'm on the verge of dropping him, Morrison, Roberts, Prado. Which of the 4 should I drop? Please back it up!

What right do i have?

My dad's 96. I'm 24. He never mentioned anything about what plans he has for his retirement pay. He has his own ccmpany which is now being run by my half-brothers who are 20 & more older than i am. They have a very influencial family. That's why i am somewhat scared of them, not for myself but what they can do to those who are dear to me. They have been very unfair to me and my dad said that i should learn how to fight for my right. How, if i don't know what rights i have. Also concern about his pension plan. He said that i am his beneficiary. I want my father to live longer but it's better to be wise about the situation. We are Filipino citizens.

Is it too soon to make fondant figurines for cake?

Im going to be making a castle cake complete with a fondant dragon and wizard for my fiances birthday June 7th this year. Would it be too soon to make them now so that I dont have to worry about it at that point? Will they crack?

Does anyone know where I can buy Pokemon action figurines from Tomy?

Ever since the stupid Pokemon online stopped selling legit figure I can't seem to find them. And I can't find the website that will sell legit ones. I don't like the eBay counterfit junk. Thanks :)

I think i may have AS (aspergers)?

I have AS and it does not seem like you have it. Maybe some other problem. Best to talk to a therapist.

In The Sims 3 (PC) is there a way to keep my character?

Basically, I've been playing The Sims 3 for PC for about just under a week. My character is an elder right now and I just got to level 8 in my career. Is there any way to have him... I don't know... reborn or restarted at a younger age but continue from where I am career wise?

Do you know any Swarovski distributors? I want to resale Swarovski Figurines.?

I an interested in selling Swarovski products. Does anyone knows any Swarovski distributors or wholesalers out there?

Where can I find the Magic School Bus Underwater Set?

I am looking for the Magic School Bus Underwater Set manufactured by Hasbro in 1995. It is extremely hard to find. The only possible place I can find it is Ebay and it hasn't been on there in months. The Magic School Bus Underwater Set comes with 5 Magic School Bus figurines including the bus as a submarine all wearing scuba diving outfits. It also comes with 3 yellow round foot stands to help the figures stand up. I would really appreciate it if someone would sell this play set on Ebay very soon.

Am i a lesbian please help this is very urgent!?

help please help me i have nooooo clueeeee how i feel so i had emphasis on HAD a best friend and well we were having a sleepover and she told me she had wierd feelings for me whenever were together i told her me too cuz i did like electricity like i coudn't get close enough to her i have had this with other friends too so that night we expieremented we... kinda madeout and spooned we THen stopped and since then i have had confronting feelings about it then our friendship became strained and we got into this huge thing and now hate each other but i cant stop thinking bout it neither can she cuz she askes me if i ever think about it so then about 1 school year later this new guy comes i have a crush on him we go out and it feels idk......wierd like he wanted to kiss me and i made up an excuse like i had to be somewhere when he would try to sit next to me it would feel wierd but i also could have lost intrest cuz i did for a few mts before we dated in stoppes liking him he asked me out and i said sure so idk....but im scared cuz i DON'T want to be a lesbian i have nothing against it i still like guys but im so confused is this just a phase what is going on i am on the verge of tears i so much want to be straight but idk what these feelings are please help me i dont know what to do i need it to end plz help me i find i like looking at girls making out with other girls which is wierd but everyone might be curious about those so idk i am so confused...........

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Wow, I really feel for you. No one can tell you what to do, only you know in your heart what you need to do. I can tell you from experience that you shouldn't consider how many years you are "throwing away" when deciding on whether you should stay. You sound unhappy and so does he. Maybe you could both use a break. All I can say is that if it is meant to be it will be.

My dog is only 6 years old but he has turned into a grumpy old man. He is a Pekepoo (poodle/pekingnese) and he?

has developed a really Nasty disposition. I'm on the verge of giving him away! He growls at everyone and even tries to bite us. He's taken to urinating in my kitchen as well. A disgusting habit I simply can't tolerate. My grandson (2 years old) moved in with us three months ago and he chases him and tried to bite him all the time. I'm at my wits end! He's never been fixed and someone suggested that if he has that surgery he will calm down. I would hate spend all that money to have the surgery and nothing changes. Please advise

Anyone know any miniature medieval stuff and how I can make them?

I'm making a miniature Gypsum Medieval Town for a hobby...Anyone knows how to make medieval miniatures,working ones would be nice,like Ballistras,Catapults...Or how can I make something like a keg out of stuff i can practically find in a Supermarket orso?If you know any videos or websites about such stuff please tell me :D...By Miniature I mean like a Lego Figurine size..thank you!

What's wrong with me? I'm losing it!?

I'm a 16 year old girl. I live a happy life, but my family has a history of severe panic and anxiety/depression problems. I'm also struggling with bulimia. I'm 5'4 119 pounds and generally very healthy. I can run a mile in 7:30 minutes. A few days ago I started getting shortness of breath. My chest hurt a little bit and also my arms and legs began to hurt especially in my joints. I wake up extremely early as well. I went to the doctor because I thought I was having a heart attack. She said I was fine and that it was anxiety related. It's been 3 days and I feel the same. I still feel like I'm going to die. I spend all of my time feeling paranoid and like my life is going to end any moment. I think everything I do is going to be the last thing I do. I worry constantly about the people I care about too. If someone doesn't answer their phone I lose it and think they're dead or have been in a horrible accident. I can't stand to walk alone anymore either. I feel like someone is going to jump out and rape me or kill me. I have also developed an intense fear of my bedroom and can't sleep in it. I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown and I don't know what to do. I worry so much that I feel like I'm going to explode. I'm so tired of being terrified of death and assuming that it's right around the corner. I don't know what to do. I feel like i need to be admitted in a psychiatric facility. Help me :(

How much weight should I loose, im 5'9", 150 lbs., 16 years old?

right now I'm about 150lbs., I think I should loose like 20-30 pounds. Do you agree? my legs are pretty muscular from being a dancer but I still think I look fat and my size is way bigger than any of my friends, I have friends roughly the same height who are way smaller than me (weight/size wise). I heard that being 5'9" and 16 years old means I should be way less than I am but I'm not sure.

How do you feel about your stretch marks?

My mother has them since she was a professional gymnast, and as you know they are unnaturally thin, and then she stopped and put on weight. I think my sister and I are on the verge of getting them, though they are hardly noticable at the moment. I am merely wondering how you feel about yours, and if you can, say how old you are.

I told someone I like them and they like me too, now what?

I'm not really attracted to him physically but personality wise I love him! I'm 16 and told him the other day that I like him and he said he likes me too. We've been talking for a few years now so know a lot about each other but I'm so so so shy that we've rarely spoken face to face. The other night we spoke on the phone for a few hours but I had been drinking which made it easier. He asked if I'd go back to being shy but I don't know! He just told me to relax so hopefully we can meet up soon! I love talking to him so much! and his personality is amazing but physically he's not that grey :/ but I'm trying to get past that. Agh what should i do?!

Im lovin it? mc donalds.?

Should penny wise the clown from Steven kings it be mc donalds new clown mascot "im lovin "it""

Listen to my mp3-player during soccer practice(alone)?

Hi, I just wonder if it is wise to listen to musc when I practice alone with the wall, or should I be totally focused then too?

Should i/Shouldnt i, help appreciated!?

He is looking for a "friends with benefits" scenario. If this isn't for you, cut you ties and go.

Postal Service on the verge of total collapse! Is this "BIG GOVERNMENT" and union efficiency at their finest?

I hate the post office. I go to my mail box about once every ten days just to throw away the junk mail that piles up. Otherwise I do everything electronically. I got sick of dealing with the idiots at the post office. They are on the verge of collapse because they are outdated and unnecessary.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all. What should I do? :(

Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why?

My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip. What is wrong with me?

Its a party(: What should i do game wise?

Im having a party at the end of the summer and its for me and my friends because we are all going our seperate ways for highschool :( But we are getting pizza and listening to music, what should we do besides all that? Like for stuff to do in between? Games and stuff?? I dunno ... :/

Will i know im pregnant soon?

My last period was june 4th thru around the 7th. i believe i have had implantation bleeding (but maybe not and just spotting) this past weekend on the 25th and 26th. i started birth control the 10th but i missed a ton of pills the first 2 weeks.... all together so far around 8 pills. my fiance and i did have unprotected sex almost every day this month.... but i hadnt been on birth control for a while and we just used the withdrawal method til now and i hadnt gotten (well stayed) pregnant. 2 miscarriges. we wouldnt mind having a child. he really wants one. so i was wondering if i did end up getting pregnant would i know for sure before the 10th of july? its his birthday and if we are pregnant then i wanna do something cute for him gift wise by telling him we're having a baby and suprising him. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Could I get more than just 1 answer this time?? I need to my relationship coming to an end?

My relationship has been really rocky for the past couple of months, ever since I got diagnosed with depression. He said he would stick with me through it because he won't let me go through this alone. Well it got bad, and my depression changed me a lot, and a couple weeks ago he told me "You're not the girl I fell in love with anymore.." A couple days ago, we nearly broke up because of a fight, but we resolved it and are still together, plus I'm on medication now so I'm like I used to be. However, he told me "Maybe some time in the future we should take a break and talk to other people and see if we want to be with them instead." Funny, he just told me a week before that he thinks he's so lucky to have a girl like me...I know it's wise to meet/talk to other people, but it hurts because that makes it sound as if he no longer wants me. He told me just three days ago that there's no one as perfect for him as I am. I no longer believe that...and I no longer believe that he loves me. It hurts so bad...we've known each other since early childhood, and had a lot of memories back then, and I've secretly always had feelings for him, and I was super happy when I found out he wanted me too and we got together. He wasn't just my boyfriend...he was my best friend too, so if this comes to an end I'll lose both. We were so close :( What do I do? Are we over?

Do I have OCD? My friends say I do...?

I think so, not sure. Try to mess up your order mabye with these things how do you react? I'm not a good answer, sorry. ):

My wife cheated on me!!! so depressed!! aghh?

im usually on here to help students with their history questions but i can't help but ask for help in this matter. i'm so depressed and i don't know what to do. we've been married for nine years and i'm very faithful and loyal and have been to her since the day we met. we have a five months old son together as well. yesterday she told me she is unsure if i'm the father. what the f*** am i suppose to do? please help anyone. she's been cheating since the day we married and i can't handle this! i'm on the verge of cracking this computer. i dont want to leave for god sake i love this woman.

Have you ever bought shoes and accessories only because you like the way they looked?

Have you ever bought shoes and accessories only becuase you like the way they looked on the shelf and not really didn't take into consideration how they would look on you or how much use you would get out of them. I have done this with shoes and hats. So to me they are not like buying an article of clothing but more like buying a figurine or something.

I think i am on the verge of a breakdown?

I don't know if I can help I'm only 13 but here goes. If talking about it and stuff like that makes you feel worse then that's out of the question. I think the first thing you should work on is probably getting a good Job that you enjoy. Then you should try to get to a point where your happy in all parts of your life. Make friends and connect with family. Your pretty young so you still have loads of time to get your life back on track. And again I don't know anything about this cuz im 13 but I think just try to think positivly

How can i get this girl to like me?

Basically, i like this girl, and we flirt a bit and talk a bit and i can make her laugh alot. without sounding big headed i'm pretty sure she is on the verge of liking me, cause i get these hints, but they never follow up with the obvious hints that a girl likes you, such as watching you when you walk away. i'm still in school (sixth form) and she's in 2 of my classes and i want to know if there's any advice people can give me to make her like me apart from just telling me, 'talk with her' and so on...

Are bread dough sculptures waterproof?

Not the kind that you eat, but the kind that are hard like clay figurines. I'm wondering because I bought one at a craft fair and wanted to put it in a snow globe.

What lens can I use to improve this photo?

I think this photo is great! Maybe you could try different angles, angles make a difference. If you want cheap macro, try getting a macro filter preferably promaster. I use it and it works great... Right now I am saving up for a macro lens.

Tough question: What do we owe the elderly as they verge between competant and incompetant?

Dear Sunflower you seem like such a caring person KUDOS!! to you. You must report this horror to authorites now.Tell police your own Dr tell everyone please also go to the newspapers .

Should my family apologize to my cousin for cutting her off and thinking she was schizophrenic?

Yes they should apoligize! It wasn't her fault that she was bi-polar and was schizophrenic instead of shunning her away they should have been there for her and helped her out. You should talk to your family about apoligizing cause its not fair for your cousin.

My mom thinks I don't appreciate her hand-me-downs, what should I do?

Well first of all your mother thinks she doing a good thing and passing on your Grandmothers stuff to you. You on the 2nd hand don't appreciate it and your young and sometime in your life you will value these things. This is love and many people are proud to have the things that belonged to their grandma's and grandpa's. So tell your mom, you don't want anything anymore and since you don't appreciate it, hopefully she will stop giving it to you.

Do French train stations have lockers?

We will be traveling to France and are thinking of taking a train to Rouen, exploring the city and then finding a hotel to stay at overnight and explore more of Normandy by rental car for the rest of the week (we already have a hotel for the rest of the time we are there). We are not backpackers but have a carry-on each. Do the train stations have lockers to store carry-on luggage? Also, in the month of July, would it be wiser to get a hotel reservation and rental car ahead of time?

I have no clue what to do for my birthday.?

I don't really know what I want for my birthday present wise. Or what I want to do for my birthday. I'm turning 14 in 2 days. I need some ideas. My mom is mad at me because I keep telling her I have no idea what I want. Help?

Where can I buy game consoles, comic books, and other geek merch in the UK?

im from ireland and us and the uk dont have near a wide variety of them shops! you are lucky that you found that comic book store to be honest! all irish and uk people just either get hamered and play sports and we only play the big consoles i.e ps3 and xbox! i think you will have to buy that stuff online cause you cant really get it anywhere else! i wish we had americas shops there clothes are class!lol there would be a few comics in easons(i.e 1 or 2) so i dont know if its worth your trip! and figurines you sometimes in some magazines you get a free figure with a magazine each week but they come out rarely so i would say get all this on ebay

Why might she do this?

I have a 2 year old niece. Recently my sister (her mom) and I were talking about the little things she does. My sister has become concerned. She will flick her hands. She also covers her ears alot. My sister at first thought with the covering of the ears she might have an ear infection, but no fever, and even a quick trip to the doctor proves other wise. She has been doing this for a couple months now and I my sister started to look up these behaviors, since she has never seen this before in children. My niece talks perfectly fine for a 2 year old. She can say her ABC's without much help. She can count to ten almost, sometimes she gets a couple numbers mixed up she is only 2. She is very social and loves to be around people and other kids. I think it's probably just a tick she has. She does not fit any other warning sign for autism except the hand movements. But are there any other things that might be causing her to do this?

HELP! Cake decorating figurines!?

Hi, You can get some cake decorating figurines here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Hope this helps.

Should I just stop playing guitar?

Just work through it, trust me! Everyone has a period like this that they go through...soon your straight line is going to go vertical! Don't you dare give it up! Try tape recording yourself and listening to it, sometimes when youre playing you can't really hear how good you sound because you're so focused on the notes...hope this helps and good luck!

Looking for a norman rockwell figurine?

Looking for a Musical Figureine by norman Rockwell, Its a father giving his daughter a horsey ride (he is on his hands and knees) the child is very young and laying on his back. The figureine plays music by turning a nob on the bottem if anyone recognizes the description and can give me the name that would be fantastic but im looking for a site that may list all the figurines ever made by rockwell or anything that can help. Thank you.

My husband insults my parents to me and then is nice to their face?

My husband repeatedly has made awful comments regarding my parents. I am an only child and my parents have been good to me so I am very close with them. My dad does have a drinking problem so he is an easy target. It is a subject that I am very sensitive about. He will say mean things about me and about them over and over. When I try to address it he just says quote "let it go" but it really hurt my feelings. Then he will go and be nice to their face like he never even said those things. I have NEVER said anything disrespectful about his parents. This is just a small issue that just happened. We have numerous problems and we are already on the verge of divorce. And I have about had enough...

What's wrong with me?

To make a long story short, I am a 42 year old virgin that has attempted time and time again to have a girlfriend. I would eventually like to marry. Everytime I start to "date" someone, it always end in failure for me. It took me a lifetime to figure things out. When I was growing up, I was very different and conditioned to believe that I was "nothing." This continued into my adult life whereby I always feel inept and generally inferior to everyone else. My low self esteem always got the best of me. Through my childhool all the way to high school, I was always made to feel like **** all the time. In college, this continued but only subtly toward me. The first girl I dated ended up making a fool of me. What she did too me made "careful" about others I would date. I never felt confortable and would always feel second rate. After college, I occasionally date someone every few years which would always end up the same way. About a year and a half ago, I started going out with this woman. Again, I could never bring myself into telling her how I feel. There are times that I feel that even our platonic friendship is endangered. I am on the verge of letting her go to find someone else. Tell me something. What's wrong with me?

How to get him interested again/ what went wrong (need a guys perspective)?

I've been casually dating someone for about six mounts. I haven't had sex with him yet. Were both pretty laid back and not very intimate (emotional wise). In the past he's been pursing me but recently he seams less interested; hasn't been talking to me, putting effort or trying to hang out. He hasn't been texting me, which is odd since we rarely go more then a day without talking and he's always the one to initiate the conversation. The change was pretty sudden and Im confused what turned him off or how to get him interested again. Lately he's been hitting me up to hook up more and I've been the one arranging our hang outs which have been pretty casual. The only reasons i can assumed that could have caused this is the fact i'm not into just hooking up, we haven't done anything exciting together recently, he perceived my asking to hang out as clingy, he's wrapped up with his friends right now or something he got to know about me turned him off (i can be somewhat insecure and ditzy but i try to hide it). What could have caused this and what are some good ways to gain his interest again? Sexy facebook pictures? Hang out with other guys? Ignore his texts (We communicate mostly over text but i'm not sure how to get his attention by doing this when he's rarely texting me). Any advice would be greatly appreciated, especially a guys perspective.

Anxiety - depressed, agoraphobic, meds not working?

You should go to your doctor and let them know. Some meds work well for some and not for others. Xanax (Alprazolam) is more social phobia/anxiety relief oriented (your agoraphobia), this could help relieve your symptoms and calm you down, it is considered one of the 'stronger' (at the same time more risky) medications. I know exactly how you feel. You've got to take it a step at a time. I've improved since being on meds, but it won't do all the work. Find something that makes you happy to turn to when you find yourself in those low moods, anything at all. You may need counselling too. Hope it gets better.

Boyfriend treats me slightly bad- reassurance I should break it off?

I've been dating him for 6 years on and off. we love each other but lately I've come to terms with the fact that its just not working out. I'd appreciate feedback as far as my decision goes. I have spent six years trying with him and am now planning on leaving him. We generally fight about everything, he seems to have a minor drinking problem and has become violent once with me. he apologized and felt shameful of his actions but the next night he sat on the phone and told me I needed to be "reborn" he also says things like " you think your better than me?" when hes angry. He also told informed me when he was drunk that he believed that I was younger then him mentality wise. He says things like "your just a a girl" in the negative way. He has also said Im just a bag of emotions and things of this nature. I feel inferior and he says I'm younger mentality wise which upsets me. He has years of drug abuse problems and he keeps trying to pursue me and says he loves me when Im starting to feel this isn't going anywhere and it never will. that glimmer of hope I had is fading and I almost want it dead so reassurance that Im making the right decision would help

Realistically what are the chances of my rapist being sentenced..?

Pretty close to zero. You said in a statement that you didn't see the person. You lied. A borderline good lawyer will chew you up on the stand.

I found two blue figurines?

A man and a woman. The man (this may even be a woman) appears to be in colonial dress holding a hat with feathers in his right hand and a cloak in his left. He/she is in leggings a a jacket that has 7 buttons down the front. The buttons are on the left which indicates a woman. Now I am really confused. The woman has a tilted hat with feathers and looks like she is holding flowers. They both are on a round and are 10" high. The marks engraved on the back of pedestals are J H or J B with the copyright symbol beside it. Thanks

Why is ex jealous when she dumped me?

Sounds to me like you're on her ''hook'' . She uses you when there is no guy for her and she leaves you when she has another guy. You're her ''backup'' . Don't give up though, she maybe really is just confused . Its a difficult decision to move in together if she is not certain of her feelings. Cheers :)

Have a birthmark shaped like a fetus?

my friend has a birthmark that is shaped like a baby fetus does anyone know why? any old wise tells about it

Joining the navy without a college degree?

Is that not a wise decision? I don't think i could handle 4 years of college to become an officer. Where do you start off if you join the navy without a degree?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WoW camel figurine help pleaseeeee?

k so i was reading up on how to get a grew riding camel to get the new title coming out in patch 4.1 and i read that there are these mysterious camel figurines in uldum which i cant find...are they still there or what???? ive been farming for hours and havent found one

I feel like there's something wrong with me, please help?

Im 13, 5'1, and around 80 pounds. Ive been depressed for about 3-4 years. Ive had a few traumatic experiences. And I feel like im on the verge of an eating disorder. Im very mature for my age. Ive dealt with alot of rejection and am very insecure sometimes. I am very moody and have thought that I was bipolar or had BDP. I often have feelings of nothingness or emptiness. And im not sure what to do.

My friend is a horrible singer but thinks she's good at it?

A "friend" of mine, who is completely immature and I can only deal with her in a happy, generous mood, thinks she is the sh*t at singing. However; she is the WORST singer I've ever heard, even with singing lessons. No-one EVER tells her how bad she is, but it's all they'll talk about. The thing is, my family does NOT get on well with her family, and she is so sensitive that if someone insults her favorite grass blade she'll burst into tears and scream about how horrible you are. She does not associate really with anyone over the age of 5, and no-one knows how to deal with her. But you have to feel kinda bad for her pathetic-ness I suppose, and I really want to spare her the pain of still trying out for our local "Idol" competition and singing in the streets (That hurts EVERYONE) and constantly being rejected from competitions (Yes. Even after all of that, she still thinks she's wonderful). Is there ANY way that I can get her to know how BAD of a singer she is?! I don't know HOW her parents let her try out for things.... It's gotten so bad I'm on the verge of paying someone to come up to her and tell her how bad she is. That may sound harsh, but she's living in a deluded fantasy land and she needs to GROW UP because when she hits the real world, she's going to be in for a shock. I'm hoping that knowing she SUCKS at it, will motivate her to try other things, and maybe develop a bit of a personality and maybe make a friend who ISN'T four? Even if it doesn't, I'll just be happy if she stops because she's just hurting herself and any unfourtunate persons ears.. And I'm not sure that if ONE person telling her will be enough, as she'll fall apart into pieces and to get her to stop sobbing hysterically sitting in the street waiting for a car to come and "end her horrible life" while hopelessly waiting for people to notice the "designer" jeans that are 4 sizes too small in an effort to make her look "skinnier" even though that is NOT how it works while dropping HUGE hints for you to notice them until all you can do is tell her not to listen to the "haters" so she'll just SHUT UP and go away. What to do?

Help, I feel horrible.?

Your not a failure! wow the way you write is smarter then me, look in life there is always going to be someone smarter then you and it dosen't matter what your family might think of you because to be honest when they are dead and gone its just going to be you in the world and what you have set out for yourself, your mum want the best possible for you, and trust me i have been int the same situation, (my dads a Doctor) .. : / you can never fill up the shoes of some one else everyone has something special about them, and from the sound s of it you are a very talented girl! keep up the great grades and dont worry. so much YOUR GRADUATING!!!!! Have fun. and well done! :)

Any creative project ideas over the book To Kill a Mockingbird or The Count of Monte Cristo?

My friend had to do the same thing about a month ago. She got a small cardboard box and made a little stage type thing with a curtain and everything. inside the box, she constructed her favorite scene from the book out of material she had found out of an old doll house like mini chairs and stuff. It looked really cool and i'm pretty sure she got an A. Oh, and she made it look like a set for a play or movie and added little lights around the edges. She also cut out the sides and only left the bottom and back. Using some popsicles and more cardboard, she made the curtain thing and used a little piece of cloth she bought from Joann's to make the curtain. Hope this helps. :D

When we met my hair was long, but now I cut it off.?

When we first met, I had my hair long and braided. We hit it off but we are separated for the summer, and I cut my hair short and curly. We have been keeping in touch but I am a bit insecure about how he will feel when he finally see me and be surprised! I just need some wise, truthful, words to get me back on track!

Is my relationship over?? Need to know asap? Can I get answers for once?

My relationship has been really rocky for the past couple of months, ever since I got diagnosed with depression. He said he would stick with me through it because he won't let me go through this alone. Well it got bad, and my depression changed me a lot, and a couple weeks ago he told me "You're not the girl I fell in love with anymore.." A couple days ago, we nearly broke up because of a fight, but we resolved it and are still together, plus I'm on medication now so I'm like I used to be. However, he told me "Maybe some time in the future we should take a break and talk to other people and see if we want to be with them instead." Funny, he just told me a week before that he thinks he's so lucky to have a girl like me...I know it's wise to meet/talk to other people, but it hurts because that makes it sound as if he no longer wants me. He told me just three days ago that there's no one as perfect for him as I am. I no longer believe that...and I no longer believe that he loves me. It hurts so bad...we've known each other since early childhood, and had a lot of memories back then, and I've secretly always had feelings for him, and I was super happy when I found out he wanted me too and we got together. He wasn't just my boyfriend...he was my best friend too, so if this comes to an end I'll lose both. We were so close :( What do I do? Are we over?

My ex likes me, what do I do?

Move on. It sounds like he wants you to be his safety net so if a girl dumps him he can go back to you so he won't be alone. You deserve better than that. Keep in mind that you choose who you go out with, and if you don't want him then do not go back to him. Remember why you broke up in the first place then ask yourself if that would still be a problem. Try to think of anything that would ruin the relationship this time around so you can save yourself a little heartache.