Saturday, July 16, 2011

Please help me, do I break up with him or not?

I have been with him for 4 years I am on pills cause I am a hell moody ***** some times and I snap from being happy as to on the verge of tears, the pills help a lot though. The whole time we have been together he has probably worked a total of four months, I have always supported him, I work full time always has while he stays at home and works on his car, I get home from work and cook dinner and I do the house work. He probably has come to four of my family things and I am very family orientated, he does not have family or any real friends. I could deal with him coming to only a couple family things but my mum just got married and it was so important to me that he came to the wedding ( I was a bridesmaid ), I made sure he knew how much it ment to me and my family. He didn't come. I said to him that because he didn't come now I need him to prove to me that he will sacrifice him self and come to all of my family things cause I do every thing for him and I don't ask for stuff all in returen, since the wedding I asked him to get a job so we can save for a house but he wont cause he has no license for another three years and it's too hard for him to get the bus to work, I asked him to help me around the house so I don't come home from work to a trashed house he did but only for a couple days then that wore off. then last night we got invited to dinner with my mum her new husband and a couple others for a catch up cause they just got back from three week hunnymoon, the dinner wans't a big deal it was all people that he had met before so it would of been easy for him, I told him that this was his last chance he had to come, but when it was time to go he said he was too tired and he wasn't going, so I left for dinner crying. When I got home I was expecting him to be asleep in bed but he wasn't even home. He got home early this morning and fell asleep on the lounge I went and spent all day at my friends thinking that he might call or txt but he didn't. I just got home and he is working on his car. When ever I try to talk to him about us he just shuts down and wont talk, he thinks that I am making a big deal out of nothing about the wedding and every thing. I stayed at a mates house for a few nights and it didn't really bother him. Every one I know thinks I should break up with him friends and family, I know I probably should break up with him and start putting my self first but I love him and I know he loves me too but I don't think that is enough any more. We have two cats a dog and a bird I dont want to loose any of them.

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