Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to not be taken advantage of by the girl you like?

ok first im gonna start it off by saying that me and my girl are a couple. We are exclusive to each other and we are on the verge of being official. Her sister and her bestfriends have all told me that she likes me alot. okay with that being said, im pretty new to this dating thing and i want to know how to avoid being taking advantage of. I really like her and so i would do alot of cute things for her and buy her things. But she hasnt really done the same for me, like she would never surprise me with anything or go out of the way to make me feel special. i think i spoiled her too much, to the point where she unknowingly is taking advantage of what i do for her and doesnt have the need to try to keep me happy. so how can i approach it where i can hint to her to want to do stuff for me without me asking her directly. i dont want to have to tell her to do those little things for me, i want her to want to do it

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