Friday, July 15, 2011

I am on the verge of committing suicide. Please can you help me?

Hello I am a student and I feel like ending my life. Ever since I have failed a very important national exam... My family has been hating me. No it's not like my family is those type of perfect family and I'm the black sheep but I''m... different. I know that you would think that I am thinking wrong but please even family members can learn to hate each other and I speak this from experience. My mom, my Dad, my siblings... they all hate me and I can feel it. It's like they feel much more happier when I'm not around. I have cut myself a multiple times and I have thought long and hard about ending my life plenty of times. Everday is chocking me and when I wake up I think of dying and when I go to bed I pray to The Lord that I would die in my sleep. Lately, I have been doing things that are... not normal, something people would call crazy. I think I'm under depression too and I have long given up on love. I cry everyday now and I am a freak. Please. If someone is out there that is like me... please can you help me? I am lost and tired and I would want this pain to stop. Please I am a mess. If there is only one way except this... it's suiscide. I have tried being a Christian and all that but it never did work. It's too late anyway.

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