Friday, July 15, 2011

Im Scared Of Coming Out Of The 'Broom Closet'?

I went through the exact same thing when I was a teenager except I lived with a mom AND grandmother who were both devoted Christians and refused "to let me be led astray" (as though they had any say in the matter). How did I deal with it? Well, I fought with them at first but it didn't do anybody any good. It just made all three of us miserable as could be. Eventually I realized that they were just doing what they thought best for me because they cared. I wouldn't be able to change their minds and they wouldn't change mine. But I was the minor and I was living under their roof so I had to respect their wishes for a time. What I noticed, however, is that the Divine was everywhere I looked. I didn't need an altar in my room...there was one outside near the creek. I didn't need books...they were already written within me. I didn't need a cauldron, candles, and all other manner of spell-casting implements, etc because the magick comes from within. The core beliefs of Christianity (love, peace, etc) are not out of line with the many Pagan paths. So I simply spent my time in Nature and focused within while agreeing with the Church on the Truths they did preach and simply ignoring the untruths. When I was an adult and on my own, I was free to do as I pleased. But I found that all those years of focusing within and not relying on the books, the materials, etc probably took me further on my Way than would have happened otherwise. Stand up for yourself if your mother absolutely crosses the line but otherwise, silently agree to disagree with worked well for me. :)

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