Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My boyfriend feelings being blocked?

..Hi Sarah, I believe you have a couple of issues taking place within your self..The first of course, is trust, the second is your illnesses..Are you taking any medication for your depression? If not then I would consider it, although there may also be minor side effects like a lowered libido, nausea, and tiredness which do pass in time..Your trust issue I believe is the most important issue here and probably does go back to your mom & dad, in that your moms trust was violated, something in this case which is difficult to get back in ones self, although not impossible..I believe you may have taken on the pain/hurt and especially the mistrust that your mom carries or carried in this situation..Many children will do this until they finally realize these parental issues are absolutely not about their children although they are affected in some cases by such behaviours..As I am sure you may already know, trust is about our self and not the other person, no matter what they may or may not do or say..It is up to each one of us to find this trust within our self and really, there is nothing more we can do because if we cannot trust our self and our choices, we will never trust anyone else..If for whatever reason we get hurt by another then it is our personal choice to work through this pain/hurt and to once again trust our instincts and our choices in people and especially in relationships, and whom we allow in our lives..Sarah, you will be your self when you finally say, enough is enough, so instead of just dipping your toe in the water, make the choice to jump in, and go for it, no matter what happens..I also used to analyze a great deal in my younger days and because of it, I missed out on many things and some very good relationships, but it was all a learning experience, as life and living always is...We can never know for certain if any relationship will work out or not, so we absolutely have to live one day at a time, to the best of our ability and enjoy what we have today...What ever happens will happen, but we must trust we made the best choices possible for our self at any given time, and humans are very, very resilient and we do bounce back from injury, hurt/pain and some pretty terrible atrocities..Life is very precious, so make the best of what you have within it today and always keep your hope and faith close to your heart..Believe in your self!..Don't doubt your self, believe that you can and will make the possible choices/decisions that you can each and every day, and accept any consequences or repercussions that may or may not come, just as much as we accept all the good stuff that comes too...If you feel you are having blocked feelings Sarah, then this is exactly what is happening, and only you can make the choice to say, "No more"...This is your life, not your dads and not your moms..You are you, you are not your parents, and your choices can and should be based on the person you are today, and the experiences you have had within your own life, not the mistakes or shortcomings of someone else...Trust & believe in your self Sarah..Do take care, it sounds like you have something very special and remember that sex certainly isn't now nor should it be, everything in a relationship..Fill up this space with something else, something creative for awhile and allow this part of you to occur naturally, and it will I assure you..You are not alone..

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